Stacey’s Complexity Model - Agile Suitability

Stacey’s Complexity Model - Agile Suitability

Complexity Levels in Stacy's Model

Agile software development processes are a popular choice for many teams because they prioritize flexibility, collaboration, and continuous delivery. However, not every project or team is a good fit for an agile approach. In order to determine if agile is a suitable choice, it's important to consider the project environment and how it aligns with the principles of agile. One useful tool for evaluating the suitability of agile for a particular project is Stacey's Complexity Model.

In Stacey's Complexity Model, projects are classified into four categories based on their level of complexity: simple, complicated, complex, and chaotic.

Simple projects are those that have a clear objective, a well-defined problem, and a straightforward solution. These projects are predictable and can be completed using a linear, sequential process, such as the waterfall model.

Complicated projects are those that have a clear objective and a well-defined problem, but multiple potential solutions. These projects are more complex than simple projects, but still relatively predictable. An agile approach may not be necessary for these projects, as a traditional, waterfall-style process could work just as well.

Complex projects are those that have multiple objectives and a poorly defined problem, with multiple potential paths to achieving those objectives. These projects are highly unpredictable and require a flexible, adaptive approach in order to be successful. An agile process, with its focus on collaboration, communication, and flexibility, is often the best choice for managing complex projects.

Chaotic projects are those that have no clear objective and no well-defined problem. These projects are highly unpredictable and may require significant experimentation in order to find a viable solution. An agile process may be suitable for managing chaotic projects, but it may also be necessary to use other approaches, such as design thinking, in order to find a way forward. These projects are fundamentally risky.

Categories Suitable for Adaptive Approaches

The Model proposes those projects that are classified as either complicated or complex, require a different approach in order to be successful.

As stated above,

Complicated projects are those that have well-defined problems and solutions. These projects tend to be more predictable, with clear objectives and a straightforward path to achieving them. In this case, an agile approach may not be necessary. A more traditional, waterfall-style approach could work just as well, or even better.

On the other hand, complex projects are those that have poorly defined problems and solutions. These projects tend to be less predictable, with multiple objectives and a number of potential paths to achieving them. In this case, an agile approach is often the best choice.

One reason why agile is particularly well-suited to complex projects is that it allows for flexibility and adaptability. In an agile process, teams work in short iterations, delivering small chunks of functionality at a time. This allows them to respond quickly to changing requirements and make course corrections as needed.

Another reason is that agile emphasizes collaboration and communication. In an agile process, team members work closely together and rely on regular, face-to-face communication to make decisions and resolve issues. This is especially important in complex projects, where the problem and solution may not be fully understood at the outset.


In summary, when deciding whether to use an agile approach for a particular project, it's important to consider the complexity of the project. If the project is complicated, with a well-defined problem and solution, a more traditional approach may be sufficient. On the other hand, if the project is complex, with a poorly defined problem and solution, an agile approach is likely to be the best choice. Stacey's Complexity Model can be a useful tool for evaluating the suitability of agile in a particular project environment.

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